(精)tomcat 源码学习
有了Server这个抽象,很自然的,我们希望它能够提供对servlet和jsp支持的功能。但是我们发现这个概念太大了,我们还需再细化。所以别急,我们还有一些事情要解决。服务器要提供服务就必须能够启动,当然也应该能够停止吧,也就是说服务器应该是有生命的,在启动时初始化必要的资源,而在停止时将其其销毁掉。好吧,我们把这个也抽象出来,叫做生命周期接口,tomcat 实现为org.apache.catalina.Lifecycle.如上所述我们知道Lifecycle需要完成的工作了。
public void start() throws LifecycleException; public void stop() throws LifecycleException; |
Tomcat从5.5版本开始,支持以下四种Connector的配置分别为 NIO, HTTP, POOL, NIOP:
<Connector port="8081" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443"/>
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443"/>
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool"port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />
<Connector executor="tomcatThreadPool" port="8081" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" connectionTimeout="20000" redirectPort="8443" />
-->Socket-->PlainSocketImpl的native void socketConnect(InetAddress paramInetAddress, int paramInt1, int paramInt2)
-->HttpClient extends NetworkClient
tomcat 如何通过jmx loader 、digester架构
<Server port="8005" shutdown="SHUTDOWN">
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.ServerLifecycleListener"/>
<Listener className="org.apache.catalina.mbeans.GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener"/>
<Service name="Catalina">
<Connector URIEncoding="utf-8" connectionTimeout="20000" port="8080" protocol="org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol" redirectPort="8443" useBodyEncodingForURI="true"/>
<Engine defaultHost="localhost" name="Catalina">
<Host name="localhost" appBase="webapps" unpackWARs="true" autoDeploy="true" xmlValidation="false" xmlNamespaceAware="false">
<Context docBase="mypushlet" path="/mypushlet" reloadable="true" source="org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:mypushlet"/>
设虚拟目录 "myweb",通过 http://localhost:8080/myweb 访问物理路径 L:\java\JWeb 文件夹里面的内容。设置过程如下:
1.复制 Tomcat6.0\webapps\ROOT 目录下的 WEB-INF 文件夹到 L:\java\JWeb 目录下。
2.打开L:\java\JWeb\WEB-INF 目录下的 web.xml 文件,在 </description> 之后加入:
<!--JSPC servlet mappings start -->
<!--JSPC servlet mappings end -->
3.打开 Tomcat6.0\conf\server.xml 文件,在 <Host> 和 </Host> 之间加入:
<Context path="/myweb" docBase="L:\java\JWeb"></Context>
path="/myweb" 就是虚拟目录的名称
docBase="L:\java\JWeb"> 为物理路径
4.打开 Tomcat6.0\conf\web.xml 文件,找到:
把false设成true保存,重启Tomcat,现在就可以应用 http://localhost:8080/myweb 虚拟目录了。
1.1 - Server
A Server element represents the entire Catalina servlet container. (Singleton)
1.2 - Service
A Service element represents the combination of one or more Connector components that share a single Engine
1.3 - Connector
Coyote Http/1.1 Connector 在端口8080处侦听来自客户browser的http请求
Coyote JK2 Connector 在端口8009处侦听来自其它WebServer(Apache)的servlet/jsp代理请求
1.4 - Engine
An Engine is a Container that represents the entire Catalina servlet engine.
If used, an Engine is always the top level Container in a Catalina.
Engine下可以配置多个虚拟主机Virtual Host,每个虚拟主机都有一个域名。
1.5 - Host
Server: 其实就是BackGroud程序, 在Tomcat里面的Server的用处是启动和监听服务端事件(诸如重启、关闭等命令。SHUTDOWN)
Service: 一类问题的解决方案。默认使用Tomcat-Standalone 模式的service。既给我们提供解析jsp和servlet的服务, 同时也提供给我们解析静态文本的服务。
Connector:从socket传递过来的数据, 封装成Request, 传递给容器来处理。http、https、ajp(apache与tomcat)三种
Container: 当http connector把需求传递给顶级的container: Engin的时候, 我们的视线就应该移动到Container这个层面来了。
在Container这个层, 我们包含了3种容器: Engin, Host, Context.
Engin: 收到service传递过来的需求, 处理后, 将结果返回给service( service 是通过 connector 这个媒介来和Engin互动的 ).
Host: Engin收到service传递过来的需求后,不会自己处理, 而是交给合适的Host来处理。
Host在这里就是虚拟主机的意思, 通常我们都只会使用一个主机,既“localhost”本地机来处理。
Context: 一个web app,Host接到了从Host传过来的需求后, 也不会自己处理, 而是交给合适的Context来处理。
Compenent: 容器有各种各样的组件, 提供各种各样的增值服务。
manager: 当一个容器里面装了manager组件后,这个容器就支持session管理了, 事实上在tomcat里面的session管理, 就是靠的在context里面装的manager component.
logger: 当一个容器里面装了logger组件后
loader: 通常只会给我们的context容器使用, loader是用来启动context以及管理这个context的classloader用的。
pipline: 容器间传递并过滤。
2. Tomcat的启动流程: 第一步是装配工作(父容器装上子容器,容器安插进组件)。 第二步是启动工作。
2.3 Catalina.java
1. 使用Digester技术装配tomcat各个容器与组件。
1.1 装配工作的主要内容是安装各个大件。 比如server下有什么样的servcie。 Host会容纳多少个context。 Context都会使用到哪些组件等等。
1.2 同时呢, 在装配工作这一步, 还完成了mbeans的配置工作。 在这里,我简单地但不十分精确地描述一下mbean是什么,干什么用的。
我们自己生成的对象, 自己管理, 天经地义! 但是如果我们创建了对象了, 想让别人来管, 怎么办呢? 我想至少得告诉别人我们都有什么, 以及通过什么方法可以找到 吧! JMX技术给我们提供了一种手段。 JMX里面主要有3种东西。Mbean, agent, connector.
Mbean: 用来映射我们的对象。也许mbean就是我们创建的对象, 也许不是, 但有了它, 就可以引用到我们的对象了。
Agent: 通过它, 就可以找到mbean了。
Connector: 连接Agent的方式。 可以是http的, 也可以是rmi的,还可以直接通过socket。
发生在tomcat 装配过程中的事情: GlobalResourcesLifecycleListener 类的初始化会被触发:
protected static Registry registry = MBeanUtils.createRegistry(); 会运行
MBeanUtils.createRegistry() 会依据/org/apache/catalina/mbeans/mbeans-descriptors.xml这个配置文件创建 mbeans. Ok, 外界就有了条途径访问tomcat中的各个组件了。
2. 为top level 的server 做初始化工作。 实际上就是做通常会配置给service的两条connector.(http, ajp)
3. 从server这个容器开始启动, 点燃整个tomcat.
4. 为server做一个hook程序, 检测当server shutdown的时候, 关闭tomcat的各个容器用。
5. 监听8005端口, 如果发送"SHUTDOWN"(默认培植下字符串)过来, 关闭8005serverSocket。
2.4 启动各个容器
1. Server
触发Server容器启动前(before_start), 启动中(start), 启动后(after_start)3个事件, 并运行相应的事件处理器。
2. Service
3. Engin
到了Engin这个层次,以及以下级别的容器, Tomcat就使用了比较一致的启动方式了。
首先, 运行各个容器自己特有一些任务
随后, 触发启动前事件
立即, 设置标签,就表示该容器已经启动
接着, 启动容器中的各个组件: loader, logger, manager等等
然后, 触发启动中事件
最后, 触发启动后事件。
Engin大致会这么做, Host大致也会这么做, Context大致还是会这么做。 那么很显然地, 我们需要在这里使用到代码复用的技术。 tomcat在处理这个问题的时候, 漂亮地使用了抽象类来处理。 ContainerBase. 最后使得这部分完成复杂功能的代码显得干净利落, 干练爽快, 实在是令人觉得叹为观止, 细细品来, 直觉如享佳珍, 另人齿颊留香, 留恋往返啊!
Engin的触发启动前事件里, 会激活绑定在Engin上的唯一一个Listener:EnginConfig。
这个EnginConfig类基本上没有做什么事情, 就是把EnginConfig的调试级别设置为和Engin相当。 另外就是输出几行文本, 表示Engin已经配置完毕, 并没有做什么实质性的工作。
注1: mapping组件的用处是, 当一个需求将要从父容器传递到子容器的时候, 而父容器又有多个子容器的话, 那么应该选择哪个子容器来处理需求呢? 这个由mapping 组件来定夺。
4. Host
同Engin一样, 也是调用ContainerBase里面的start()方法, 不过之前做了些自个儿的任务,就是往Host这个容器的通道(pipline)里面, 安装了一个叫做
这个阀门的用处是这样的: 需求在被Engin传递给Host后, 会继续传递给Context做具体的处理。 这里需求其实就是作为参数传递的Request, Response。 所以在context把需求处理完后, 通常会改动response。 而这个org.apache.catalina.valves.ErrorReportValve的作用就是检察response是否包含错误, 如果有就做相应的处理。
5. Context
到了这里, 就终于轮到了tomcat启动中真正的重头戏,启动Context了。
StandardContext.start() 这个启动Context容器的方法被StandardHost调用.
5.1 webappResources 该context所指向的具体目录
5.2 安装defaultContex, DefaultContext 就是默认Context。 如果我们在一个Host下面安装了DefaultContext,而且defaultContext里面又安装了一个数据库连接池资源的话。 那么其他所有的在该Host下的Context, 都可以直接使用这个数据库连接池, 而不用格外做配置了。
5.3 指定Loader. 通常用默认的org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappLoader这个类。 Loader就是用来指定这个context会用到哪些类啊, 哪些jar包啊这些什么的。
5.4 指定 Manager. 通常使用默认的org.apache.catalina.session. StandardManager 。 Manager是用来管理session的。
其实session的管理也很好实现。 以一种简单的session管理为例。 当需求传递过来的时候, 在Request对象里面有一个sessionId 属性。 OK, 得到这个sessionId后, 我们就可以把它作为map的key,而value我们可以放置一个HashMap. HashMap里边儿, 再放我们想放的东西。
5.5 postWorkDirectory (). Tomcat下面有一个work目录。 我们把临时文件都扔在那儿去。 这个步骤就是在那里创建一个目录。 一般说来会在%CATALINA_HOME%/work/Standalone\localhost\ 这个地方生成一个目录。
5.6 Binding thread。到了这里, 就应该发生 class Loader 互换了。 之前是看得见tomcat下面所有的class和lib. 接下来需要看得见当前context下的class。 所以要设置contextClassLoader, 同时还要把旧的ClassLoader记录下来,因为以后还要用的。
5.7 启动 Loader. 指定这个Context具体要使用哪些classes, 用到哪些jar文件。 如果reloadable设置成了true, 就会启动一个线程来监视classes的变化, 如果有变化就重新启动Context。
5.8 启动logger
5.9 触发安装在它身上的一个监听器。
lifecycle.fireLifecycleEvent(START_EVENT, null);
作为监听器之一,ContextConfig会被启动. ContextConfig就是用来配置web.xml的。 比如这个Context有多少Servlet, 又有多少Filter, 就是在这里给Context装上去的。
5.9.1 defaultConfig. 每个context都得配置 tomcat/conf/web.xml 这个文件。
5.9.2 applicationConfig 配置自己的 WEB-INF/web.xml 文件
5.9.3 validateSecurityRoles 权限验证。 通常我们在访问/admin 或者/manager的时候,需要用户要么是admin的要么是manager的, 才能访问。 而且我们还可以限制那些资源可以访问, 而哪些不能。 都是在这里实现的。
5.9.4 tldScan: 扫描一下, 需要用到哪些标签(tag lab)
5.10 启动 manager
5.11 postWelcomeFiles() 我们通常会用到的3个启动文件的名称:
index.html、index.htm、index.jsp 就被默认地绑在了这个context上
5.12 listenerStart 配置listener
5.13 filterStart 配置 filter
5.14 启动带有<load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup>的Servlet.
顺序是从小到大: 1,2,3… 最后是0
默认情况下, 至少会启动如下3个的Servlet:
处理静态资源的Servlet. 什么图片啊, html啊, css啊, js啊都找他
处理没有做Servlet Mapping的那些Servlet.
5.15 标识context已经启动完毕,tomcat启动完毕。
* A <b>Host</b> is a Container that represents a virtual host in the
* Catalina servlet engine. It is useful in the following types of scenarios:
* <ul>
* <li>You wish to use Interceptors that see every single request processed
* by this particular virtual host.
* <li>You wish to run Catalina in with a standalone HTTP connector, but still
* want support for multiple virtual hosts.
* </ul>
* In general, you would not use a Host when deploying Catalina connected
* to a web server (such as Apache), because the Connector will have
* utilized the web server's facilities to determine which Context (or
* perhaps even which Wrapper) should be utilized to process this request.
* <p>
* The parent Container attached to a Host is generally an Engine, but may
* be some other implementation, or may be omitted if it is not necessary.
* <p>
* The child containers attached to a Host are generally implementations
* of Context (representing an individual servlet context).
每个虚拟主机下都可以部署(deploy)一个或者多个Web App,每个Web App对应于一个Context,有一个Context path。
1.6 - Context
一个Context对应于一个Web Application,一个Web Application由一个或者多个Servlet组成。
当Context获得请求时,将在自己的映射表(mapping table)中寻找相匹配的Servlet类,如果找到,则执行该类,获得请求的回应,并返回。
1.7 - 示例
browser发送请求到本机端口8080--> Connector --> Engine --> Host --> Context --> servlet 构造request、response --> Context --> Host --> Engine -- > connector --> browser
public final class Bootstrap{
private static Bootstrap daemon = null;
private Object catalinaDaemon;
protected ClassLoader commonLoader;
protected ClassLoader catalinaLoader;
protected ClassLoader sharedLoader;//Webapp1Loader Webapp2Loader ...
public Bootstrap(){...}
private void initClassLoaders(){...}
catalinaDaemon = this.catalinaLoader.loadClass("org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina").newInstance();
public void start()throws Exception{
Method method = this.catalinaDaemon.getClass().getMethod("start", (Class[])null);
method.invoke(this.catalinaDaemon, (Object[])null);
public class StandardService implements Lifecycle, Service, MBeanRegistration
protected Connector connectors[] = new Connector[0];
protected ArrayList<Executor> executors = new ArrayList<Executor>();
* this holds the most recently added Engine.is generally an instance of Engine
protected Container container = null;
* The lifecycle event support for this component.
private LifecycleSupport lifecycle = new LifecycleSupport(this);
* The <code>Server</code> that owns this Service, if any.
private Server server = null;
* The property change support for this component.
protected PropertyChangeSupport support = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
public void addConnector(Connector connector) {}
public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) {}
public void addExecutor(Executor ex) {}
public void addLifecycleListener(LifecycleListener listener) {}
//embed [im'bed] 嵌入
public class Embedded extends StandardServic{
public synchronized void addEngine(Engine engine) {}
public class Catalina extends Embedded {
protected String configFile = "conf/server.xml";
* The application main program.
* @param args Command line arguments
public static void main(String args[]) {
(new Catalina()).process(args);
* The instance main program.
* @param args Command line arguments
public void process(String args[]) {
* Start a new server instance.
public void start() {
((Lifecycle) getServer()).start();
protected Digester createStartDigester() {
//available for use(but not required) when deploying and starting Catalina.
public final class StandardServer implements Lifecycle, Server, MBeanRegistration{
public StandardServer() {
globalNamingResources = new NamingResources();
if (isUseNaming()) {
if (namingContextListener == null) {
namingContextListener = new NamingContextListener();
private javax.naming.Context globalNamingContext = null;
private NamingResources globalNamingResources = null;
private NamingContextListener namingContextListener = null;
* The port number on which we wait for shutdown commands.
private int port = 8005;
awaitSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 1, InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
public class Connector implements Lifecycle, MBeanRegistration{
protected Service service = null;
* The Container used for processing requests received by this Connector.
protected Container container = null;
* Use "/" as path for session cookies ?
protected boolean emptySessionPath = false;
* The redirect port for non-SSL to SSL redirects.
protected int redirectPort = 443;
* The request scheme that will be set on all requests received through this connector.
protected String scheme = "http";
* Maximum size of a POST which will be automatically parsed by the
* container. 2MB by default.
protected int maxPostSize = 2 * 1024 * 1024;
* Maximum size of a POST which will be saved by the container
* during authentication可信的. 4kB by default
protected int maxSavePostSize = 4 * 1024;
* The background thread.
protected Thread thread = null;
* Coyote Protocol handler class name.
* Defaults to the Coyote HTTP/1.1 protocolHandler.
protected String protocolHandlerClassName =
* Coyote protocol handler.
protected ProtocolHandler protocolHandler = null;
* Coyote adapter.
protected Adapter adapter = null;
* Mapper.
protected Mapper mapper = new Mapper();
* Mapper listener.
protected MapperListener mapperListener = new MapperListener(mapper, this);
* URI encoding.
protected String URIEncoding = null;
* URI encoding as body.
protected boolean useBodyEncodingForURI = false;
* Set the Coyote protocol which will be used by the connector.
public void setProtocol(String protocol) {
if (AprLifecycleListener.isAprAvailable()) {
if ("HTTP/1.1".equals(protocol)) {
} else if ("AJP/1.3".equals(protocol)) {
} else if (protocol != null) {
} else {
} else {
if ("HTTP/1.1".equals(protocol)) {
} else if ("AJP/1.3".equals(protocol)) {
} else if (protocol != null) {
* Create (or allocate) and return a Request object suitable for
* specifying the contents of a Request to the responsible Container.
public Request createRequest() {
Request request = new Request();
return (request);
* Create (or allocate) and return a Response object suitable for
* receiving the contents of a Response from the responsible Container.
public Response createResponse() {
Response response = new Response();
return (response);
// 省略------------------------------------------------------ Lifecycle Methods
// 省略-------------------- JMX registration --------------------
* Shutdown hook which will perform a clean shutdown of Catalina if needed.
protected class CatalinaShutdownHook extends Thread {
public void run() {
try {
if (getServer() != null) {
} catch (Throwable ex) {
log.error(sm.getString("catalina.shutdownHookFail"), ex);
} finally {
// If JULI is used, shut JULI down *after* the server shuts down
// so log messages aren't lost
LogManager logManager = LogManager.getLogManager();
if (logManager instanceof ClassLoaderLogManager) {
((ClassLoaderLogManager) logManager).shutdown();
public interface Engine extends Container {
public String getDefaultHost();
public void setDefaultHost(String defaultHost);
public String getJvmRoute();
public void setJvmRoute(String jvmRouteId);
public Service getService();
public void setService(Service service);
public class StandardEngine extends ContainerBase implements Engine{}
public class StandardHost extends ContainerBase implements Host{
* The set of aliases for this Host.
private String[] aliases = new String[0];
private final Object aliasesLock = new Object();
* The application root for this Host.
private String appBase = "webapps";
* The auto deploy flag for this Host.
private boolean autoDeploy = true;
* The Java class name of the default context configuration class
* for deployed web applications.
private String configClass =
* The Java class name of the default Context implementation class for
* deployed web applications.
private String contextClass =
* Attribute value used to turn on/off XML namespace awarenes.
private boolean xmlNamespaceAware = false;
* Track the class loaders for the child web applications so memory leaks漏洞
* can be detected.
private Map<ClassLoader, String> childClassLoaders =
new WeakHashMap<ClassLoader, String>();
* Standard implementation of the <b>Context</b> interface. Each
* child container must be a Wrapper implementation to process the
* requests directed to a particular servlet.
public class StandardContext extends ContainerBase implements Context, Serializable, NotificationEmitter{
* The ServletContext implementation associated with this Context.
protected transient ApplicationContext context = null;
* Compiler classpath to use.
private String compilerClasspath = null;
* Should we attempt to use cookies for session id communication?
private boolean cookies = true;
* Should we allow the <code>ServletContext.getContext()</code> method
* to access the context of other web applications in this server?
private boolean crossContext = false;
* The MIME mappings for this web application, keyed by extension.
private HashMap mimeMappings = new HashMap();
* The servlet mappings for this web application, keyed by
* matching pattern.
private HashMap servletMappings = new HashMap();
* The welcome files for this application.
private String welcomeFiles[] = new String[0];
* Cache object max size in KB.
protected int cacheObjectMaxSize = 512; // 512K
* Cache TTL in ms.
protected int cacheTTL = 5000;
* The domain to use for session cookies. <code>null</code> indicates that
* the domain is controlled by the application.
private String sessionCookieDomain;
* The path to use for session cookies. <code>null</code> indicates that
* the path is controlled by the application.
private String sessionCookiePath;
* The name to use for session cookies. <code>null</code> indicates that
* the name is controlled by the application.
private String sessionCookieName;
* Standard implementation of the <b>Wrapper</b> interface that represents
* an individual servlet definition. No child Containers are allowed, and
* the parent Container must be a Context.
public interface Wrapper extends Container{}
public class StandardWrapper extends ContainerBase implemen ts ServletConfig, Wrapper, NotificationEmitter {
* The (single) initialized instance of this servlet.
protected Servlet instance = null;
* The context-relative URI of the JSP file for this servlet.
protected String jspFile = null;
* Standard implementation of <code>ServletContext</code> that represents
* a web application's execution environment. An instance of this class is
* associated with each instance of <code>StandardContext</code>.
public class ApplicationContext implements ServletContext {
* The Context instance with which we are associated.
private StandardContext context = null;
* Base path.
private String basePath = null;
public String getRealPath(String path) {
File file = new File(basePath, path);
return (file.getAbsolutePath());
* Return a <code>RequestDispatcher</code> instance that acts as a
* wrapper for the resource at the given path. The path must begin
* with a "/" and is interpreted as relative to the current context root.
* @param path The path to the desired resource.
public RequestDispatcher getRequestDispatcher(String path) {}
protected StandardContext getContext() {
return this.context;
* Startup event listener for a <b>Context</b> that configures the properties
* of that Context, and the associated defined servlets.
public class ContextConfig implements LifecycleListener {
* The Context we are associated with.
protected Context context = null;
* The default web application's context file location.
protected String defaultContextXml = null;
* The default web application's deployment descriptor location.
protected String defaultWebXml = null;
extends javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequestWrapper
extends javax.servlet.ServletRequestWrapper
public final class org.apache.coyote.Request{
private int serverPort = -1;
private UDecoder urlDecoder = new UDecoder();
private MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders();
private MessageBytes uriMB = MessageBytes.newInstance();
org.apache.catalina.connector.Request implements HttpServletRequest{
protected org.apache.coyote.Request coyoteRequest
public InputStream getStream() {
if (inputStream == null) {
inputStream = new CoyoteInputStream(inputBuffer);
return inputStream;
protected int readPostBody(byte body[], int len)throws IOException {
int inputLen = getStream().read(body, offset, len - offset);
* Return the session associated with this Request, creating one
* if necessary and requested.
public HttpSession getSession(boolean create) {
Session session = doGetSession(create);
if (session != null) {
return session.getSession();
} else {
return null;
* Change the ID of the session that this request is associated with. There
* are several things that may trigger an ID change. These include moving
* between nodes in a cluster and session fixation prevention during the
* authentication process.
public void changeSessionId(String newSessionId) {...}
protected Session doGetSession(boolean create) {
// Attempt to reuse session id if one was submitted in a cookie
// Do not reuse the session id if it is from a URL, to prevent possible
// phishing attacks
if (connector.getEmptySessionPath()
&& isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie()) {
session = manager.createSession(getRequestedSessionId());
} else {
session = manager.createSession(null);
// Creating a new session cookie based on that session
if ((session != null) && (getContext() != null)
&& getContext().getCookies()) {
String scName = context.getSessionCookieName();
if (scName == null) {
Cookie cookie = new Cookie(scName, session.getIdInternal());
response.addSessionCookieInternal(cookie, context.getUseHttpOnly());
* Parse accept-language header value.
protected void parseLocalesHeader(String value) {...}
public String getParameter(String name) {...}
Connector通过8080端口连接coyote http1.1,通过8009连接coyote AJP1.3
* Server-side cookie representation.
* Allows recycling and uses MessageBytes as low-level
* representation ( and thus the byte-> char conversion can be delayed
* until we know the charset ).
* Tomcat.core uses this recyclable object to represent cookies,
* and the facade will convert it to the external representation.
public class org.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie implements Serializable {...}
* A collection of cookies - reusable and tuned for server side performance.
* Based on RFC2965 ( and 2109 )
public final class org.apache.tomcat.util.http.Cookies {
ServerCookie scookies[]=new ServerCookie[INITIAL_SIZE];
/** Register a new, unitialized cookie. Cookies are recycled, and
* most of the time an existing ServerCookie object is returned.
* The caller can set the name/value and attributes for the cookie
public ServerCookie addCookie() {
if( cookieCount >= scookies.length ) {
ServerCookie scookiesTmp[]=new ServerCookie[2*cookieCount];
System.arraycopy( scookies, 0, scookiesTmp, 0, cookieCount);
ServerCookie c = scookies[cookieCount];
if( c==null ) {
c= new ServerCookie();
return c;
/** Add all Cookie found in the headers of a request.
public void processCookies( MimeHeaders headers ) {...
* Parses a cookie header after the initial "Cookie:"
* [WS][$]token[WS]=[WS](token|QV)[;|,]
* RFC 2965
public final void processCookieHeader(byte bytes[], int off, int len){...}
public class StandardSessionFacade implements HttpSession {
private HttpSession session = null;
* Standard implementation of the <b>Session</b> interface. This object is
* serializable, so that it can be stored in persistent storage or transferred
* to a different JVM for distributable session support.
* If you add fields to this class, you must
* make sure that you carry them over in the read/writeObject methods so
* that this class is properly serialized.
public class StandardSession implements HttpSession, Session, Serializable {
* The time this session was created, in milliseconds since midnight,
* January 1, 1970 GMT.
protected long creationTime = 0L;
* Return the <code>HttpSession</code> for which this object
* is the facade.
protected static HttpSessionContext sessionContext = null;
protected transient StandardSessionFacade facade = null;
public HttpSession getSession() {
return (facade);
* The HTTP session context associated with this session.
* Inform通知 the listeners about the new session.此类中有多种多个event、listener
public void tellNew() {...}
* Update the accessed time information for this session. This method
* should be called by the context when a request comes in for a particular
* session, even if the application does not reference it.
* 会被invokeHttp11NioProcessor之类的invoke(request, response)调用;
public void access() {...}
* Standard implementation of the <b>Server</b> interface, available for use
* (but not required) when deploying and starting Catalina.
* @author Craig R. McClanahan
* @version $Id: StandardServer.java 1066492 2011-02-02 15:02:49Z kkolinko $
public final class StandardServer implements Lifecycle, Server, MBeanRegistration {
awaitSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 1,InetAddress.getByName("localhost"));
ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open();
ServerSocket sSocket = new ServerSocket( i, backlog );
serverSocket = serverSocketFactory.createSocket(port, backlog);
serverSock = ServerSocketChannel.open();
其实创建一个 session 并不耗什么资源,无非就是一个空的map,就是别往里面塞太多的东西,尤其是在集群环境下,会增加同步的负担。
stream = socket.getInputStream();